Does Your Home Need A New Roof?

9 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to roofing, a lot of people know very little about what state their homes is in, which is understandable when you consider you rarely get a good look at it and have to then identify issues through symptoms that you notice from underneath. Roofing can vary in how long it lasts, but a lot of people who move into already-established houses have very little clue as to how old their current roof is because they were not there when it was installed. Here are a few signs that you may need a new roof in the near future.

Stains On The Ceiling

Whether you have large, dark stains on your ceiling or smaller ones that barely take up a few inches, these are never a good sign for the structural integrity of your roofing. Stains on your ceiling almost always indicate a leak of some kind, and while it may not be enough to completely threaten your home right now, over time this will start to destroy the supportive features of your roof and can introduce mildew and mold into your home. Contact a residential roofing agency as soon as you notice any stains on your ceiling.

Unexplained Drafts

Sometimes the exterior of your roof is damaged to the point where drafts can come in but rain and water still can't due to the angle of the hole on the roof. If you can hear a whistling or howling noise in your home whenever it gets windy, and are sure that there are no open windows or doors that could otherwise explain this phenomenon, then you likely do have a hole in your roof somewhere. A residential roofing inspection and potential repair job are well overdue, so make sure to not leave this issue alone for long or it could get much worse and water may start seeping in.

No Thermal Protection

Your roof is not just supposed to be good at protecting you from rain, hail, or shine, it should also help control the temperature in your house. If it is not doing this properly and you feel colder and more exposed than ever this winter and cannot figure out why, you may want to organize a professional to come and take a look. Replacing an old roof that has no thermal protection anymore can drastically improve your electrical usage as well as make you feel more comfortable on very hot or cold days that are becoming more and more frequent across the country. 

For more information on residential roofing, contact a company near you.
