4 Tips For Keeping Your Chimney Clean

26 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

One of the best ways to heat your home is with a fireplace. This is also a very affordable method and can allow you to save money on your energy costs, as well. However, it's imperative to keep your chimney clean if you wish to avoid problems in the long-term. Knowing specific things you can do on a routine basis is the key to helping you accomplish this task.

Tip #1: Use seasoned firewood

Taking the time to find the right seasoned wood is a great way to enable you to prevent too much moisture from accumulating in your chimney. This type has the lowest moisture content and can be helpful in allowing this area to remain cleaner.

Tip #2: Be mindful of cleaners

You may be tempted to use any type of cleaning solution to enable you to accomplish this task. However, you should avoid doing this and only relying on products that are specifically designed for this space.

Many of the household cleaners are flammable, and this could cause a fire to start in your home.

Tip #3: Clean ashes daily

One chore you should do on a regular basis is clean the ashes out of your fireplace. This is the key to helping your chimney remain clean and can help you get the best heating results from your efforts.

Taking out the ashes will allow more air to get to the firewood and this can increase the production of heat in your home.

Tip #4: Vacuum the hearth and fireplace

It's a great idea to use your vacuum hose for cleaning the hearth and fireplace area. This can allow you to have an easier time starting a fire and could be helpful in reducing the amount of soot in your chimney.

Just be sure the fire is out entirely to avoid getting a burn or causing an unwanted situation to arise that could be hazardous to your home.

The key to making the most out of your fireplace and chimney may rest in doing the right things on a routine basis. You'll want to be sure to keep your chimney clean to help you do so and being proactive is essential. Be sure to consult with a roofing company if you need any repairs due to using this item in your home. It's not uncommon for an occasional fix to be necessary if you do heat with a fireplace.

To learn more about chimney cleaning, talk with a company such as Chimneys Unlimited.   
